Monday, August 10, 2009

Weekend in Pictures

1. Mad Me, 2. Me, 3. Greatfruit, 4. Bellove, 5. While I was sleeping..., 6. Nap time, 7. Magazines, 8. Buttermilk Cupcakes, 9. Yellow nail polish with my name on it, 10. breakfast!, 11. Wicked, 12. Cafeteria Style Sushi

Yeah, not a super exciting one, but weekends are always good! This weekend I felt like we just did a lot of running around. I got a haircut (new/old bangs), I got a new and much-needed battery for my camera, I took a nap while Aaron hurried to finish his artwork. As you can see by number six, he failed and went skating. We went to see Wicked on Saturday night. My week-long desires to see Paper Heart and to buy a dress from Anthropologie were NOT fulfilled. I guess there is always next weekend... it just feels so far away....

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