Monday, June 29, 2009

CMY Cake Balls

Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow were the inspiration behind these little guys. I made them for a "zine swap" art show that Aaron participated in - they were to reflect the colors of his zine; a reference which no one got.


Boy, oh, boy did people like them. Too bad once they were on the food table, no one knew I made them. So no recognition for me. I love recognition!

Aaron at the show, sporting his new wolf shirt bought the previous day at the Del Mar Fair. It's a chick magnet. Or, wait, is it repellent...? Doesn't matter - he's mine! Want one of your own?

Monday, June 22, 2009

Blackberry Cornmeal Cupcakes

Last weekend I let Aaron pick out which cupcakes he wanted me to make from the Martha Stewart's Cupcakes book. He kept picking the wrong ones, so I finally told him which ones he wanted and everyone was happy. For reals too, because these were good! Cornmeal makes me think of cornbread, but these were very light and moist, and they were super good nice and warm from the oven.

Martha says these are only good the first day and let me tell you she was right. The blackberries tend to mush up the cake, so I had to eat fast! With the help of family members, I only had to throw one away the next day.  Don't worry, Aaron, you'll get your Boston Cream Pie cupcakes someday.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Streusel Cupcakes

The Master (MStew) has a new cupcake cookbook called Martha Stewart's Cupcakes and it has sooooo many recipes I want to try. These were my first cupcakes from the book. They came out excellent, if I do say so myself... Aaron loves coffee cake and these did not disappoint! I have a feeling everyone at work is going to be subjected to many a-cupcake for a while!