I know, I know... Halloween already?? It's still two months away, but you have to enjoy it while you can. Well actually, I still have a few Halloween decorations up from last year. Only the super classy ones, of course. Skulls are always in season. Halloween is my favorite holiday as far as home decor goes. So this weekend when I walked into the craft store and saw them putting up Halloween decorations, I got excited whereas most people would just roll their eyes.
And, of course, you have to get a jump start on any crafts because there are so many. My mother-in-law found these cute guys in a magazine called Cloth, Paper, Scissors. It was a contest winner, so there were no instructions, but we winged it and they came out cute. Mine is above and my mother-in-law's artistic broken-hearted skeleton is below.
We also tried this Martha Stewart craft, paper-covered switch plates. Only we had to stop after a few switch plates because I couldn't decide which paper I liked best.
And finally, I also made the new pillowcases for our living room pillows. Unlike our last covers that I just sewed right on the pillows, I made these cases with zippers, so I can throw them in the wash when they get dirty. I get smarter every day...
I'll say it was a productive weekend.