Monday, June 21, 2010

A Busy + Fun Weekend

Let me just start out by saying:  Happy Father's Day to the best grandpa in the whole entire world!  I love, love love my grandpa so much!!!

It was a fun and busy weekend.  Saturday morning a friend and I went to the swap meet to treasure hunt.  It never ceases to amaze me how I can go every week and there is always new stuff.  Where does all this stuff come from- it's so crazy.  But keep it coming, I'm not complaining.  I found three more enamel brooches, but my more exciting treasures on this trip were the three vintage paint by number paintings I found.  I love the style so much and I'm really excited about expanding my collection.  The landscape painting is the oldest as far as I can tell - it's dated 1958.  The one of Venice is dated 1979 and the horse one isn't dated.  The horse one was only $1 and the woman was amazed that I even wanted it.

Then Saturday evening we went to a wedding, Sunday morning Father's Day brunch for Grandpa and then a bike ride to burn off some calories and work up another appetite for an afternoon Father's Day lunch for my father-in-law.  Not a lot of time left over time for crafts and such, but I squeezed a little in; I gave my art journal some love and crocheted some more granny squares for a blanket (that is going to take me forever to make at two squares a night!)  I made these last week and forgot to post them - I think they are so cool looking and  I want to make a ton of them when I have time!  There is SO much fun stuff to look forward to right now.  Hooray for Summer!

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